Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dandelion queen

We came back from camping to find that our back yard had grown a foot in the four days that we were gone. I use the term yard here very, very loosely. We don't so much have a back yard as a field full of dandelions. It is still slightly better than the dirt pit that we call the front yard. I am so tired of dirt as a replacement for grass. By this weekend DH will have planted grass seed and with the help of 20 hours of Alaskan sunshine per day, we should finally have grass in a few weeks. 

So while I'm not excited about dandelions (even though it is better than dirt), there is one girl who is very excited about dandelions. She usually picks me a few bouquets of them a day.

Often, when we are driving in the car she will suddenly yell MOM! LOOK IT, LOOK IT, LOOK IT! She says it will such urgency that I think that I am about to get hit by a semi carrying a highly flammable load or maybe even a train, but she is simply trying to show me a field or yard full of dandelions.

She often forgets what they are and calls them sunflowers. I should be so lucky to have a backyard full of sunflowers.

 But I have to say, I'm awfully proud to display my dandelion bouquets.

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